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98-Year-Old Woman Earns Judo's Highest Honor
"Is earning a black belt on your life list? Then this elderly woman in San Francisco just might be your ultimate hero. Just two years before her 100th birthday, Sensei Keiko Fukuda has become the first woman to achieve a tenth-degree black belt-the highest rank in the martial art and combat sport Judo. Fukuda is now one of only four living people who've earned the tenth-degree (or dan) black belt.... posted on Nov 08 2012, 61,311 reads


Generation We: The Movement Begins
"We, the youth of the United States, believe our birthright has been betrayed," declares the Millennial Generation, the largest generation in American history, to date. They inherit a country in decline and a broken political system. Still, America's young people declares a manifesto of hope -- to restore the American dream. This short film shares more.... posted on Nov 07 2012, 3,808 reads


Calf Trapped In Mud Rescued
"Recently, photographer Sam Beam and his buddy Josh Brinkin were out in a remote area outside of Albuquerque, New Mexico when they spotted some ravens and vultures near a known watering hole. They rode in for a closer look and were jolted by the sight of a bull calf, barely alive..."This little guy had his mouth, eyes and ears shut from struggling for days, but those birds never touched him," Sam ... posted on Nov 06 2012, 17,274 reads


The Healing Power of Poetry
""I never could connect with poetry," Jan said. "I'm a math teacher!" She was sitting on my living room couch surrounded by piles of poetry books. On the coffee table was a stack of cards, each with a different poem on it. Even some of the art on the wall had hand-calligraphed verses among the colors....Jan's glance fell on a stack of Mary Oliver's books, and tears came to her eyes. "A few years a... posted on Nov 05 2012, 9,964 reads


Are You As Busy As You Think You Are?
"There was a time, not so long ago, when I was busy, busy, busy. At least I thought I was. I told people I worked 60 hours a week. I claimed to sleep six hours a night. As I lamented to anyone stuck next to me at parties, I was basically too busy to breathe. Me time? Ha! Now I work 45 hours a week and sleep close to eight hours a night. But I'm not getting any less done." This Wall Street Journal ... posted on Nov 04 2012, 16,650 reads


One Simple Wish
When Danielle Gletow adopted her daughter Mia, she began to learn about the American foster care system -- and the challenges faced by more than 100,000 children and young adults who are part of it. Determined to do something to help them, Ms. Gletow made it her mission not only to educate others about the challenges these children and teens face, but also to give people an easy way to lend a help... posted on Nov 03 2012, 4,624 reads


The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us
Watch this fascinating talk visually unfold before you through witty and beautiful illustration. Dan Pink makes the case that there are hidden truths behind what really motivates us. Namely that it's not the age-old motivators of money and power that drives us, but our desire for autonomy, mastery, and purpose.... posted on Nov 02 2012, 8,026 reads


6-Year-Old Nico: Halloween's Real Life Hero
"Six-year-old Nico Castro from California isn't letting his battle with brain cancer affect his spirit of giving this Halloween. After his doctor gave him the green light to go trick-or-treating thanks to a break in his chemotherapy, he was jumping for jack-o'-lanterns, what a treat! But here's where it gets tricky. "Even though he's worse off than some of these other kids in the hospital, he's wo... posted on Nov 01 2012, 12,567 reads


Lessons Learned from Writing Love Letters to Strangers
"I began leaving love letters all over New York City for strangers to find nearly two years ago. Though the idea sounds romantic, it was really a way to forget about my own feelings of sadness and loneliness for a while and focus on others in the big city who may have been feeling as let down as me. Every morning since that first love letter, I've pinned my cursive to writing and mailing love lett... posted on Oct 31 2012, 28,667 reads


When I Walk: A Filmmaker's Journey with MS
30-year-old Jason DaSilva has worked as a filmmaker for ten years. His work has been screened at Sundance, on PBS, HBO, and came close to receiving an Academy Award nomination. Currently Jason is the director and star of an unusual documentary titled, "When I Walk". The film documents his journey with Multiple Sclerosis. In Jason's own words it,"provides information and inspiration to those affec... posted on Oct 30 2012, 15,495 reads


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If we will be quiet and ready enough, we shall find compensation in every disappointment.
Henry David Thoreau

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